God promised to Abraham, “I will surely bless you and give you many descendants”. Through that offspring all nations would be blessed. We are heirs of that promise. God’s children will inherit eternal life.
An anchor is a sign of security, which is what we would like to give to our brothers and sisters with a disability; our hope is firm, secure in God’s promises.
Anchor Home
Beacon Home
Harbour Home
The Lighthouse
Twin Oaks
The Landing
Administrative Address:
Anchor Christian Homes
361 Thirty Road
Grimsby, ON L3M 0L1
Tel: 905-563-6524
Fax: 289-438-8657
Cheryl Van’t Hoff
Tanya DeJager
Executive Director:
Ewout DeGelder
Tel: 905-563-6524
Public Relations Committee:
Email: anchorsummercamp@gmail.com
Jack & Marlene VanRootselaar
Tel: 289-880-6258
Helen Dorgeloos
Tel: 905-701-4577
Lloyd VanLuik
Arjaan de visser
Anchor Home
Phone: 905-563-8641
Manager: Harriet Vaisanen
Beacon Home
Phone: 905-701-4446
Manager: Marlene VanRootselaar
Harbour Home
Phone: 289-426-5141
Manager: Christina Wolfraim
The Lighthouse
Phone: 519-787-7725
Manager: Jeannette Bos
Twin Oaks
Phone: 905-635-4129
Manager: Grace Towe
The Landing