About Us


Anchor Christian Homes (Anchor)


Supporting adults with developmental disabilities, physical, social, emotional and mental impairment.

Focus Group

Individuals with disabilities in the Reformed Christian Churches. The basis of the organization is Holy Scripture, as summarized in the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism and the Canons of Dort.


Anchor serves adults with a developmental disability. At this moment we serve 35 residents who reside in five group homes in southern Ontario. Our support comes mainly from the Canadian Reformed and United Reformed churches, combined with membership fees and corporate donations. We are not funded by the provincial government which allows us to maintain our identity as Reformed, Christian Homes. Admission to our homes is restricted to families from the supporting churches as outlined in the By-laws.

Each resident has unique gifts with which to serve God and the community. Some residents help with chores inside the home, while others do volunteer work in the neighbourhood. However, most of our residents are employed on a part-time basis. The residents’ lives are enriched by the many volunteers who take the residents on outings and show their love and support.

Contact Us

Head Office

Administrative Address:
Anchor Christian Homes
361 Thirty Road
Grimsby, ON L3M 0L1
Tel:  905-563-6524
Fax:  289-438-8657

Cheryl Van’t Hoff

Tanya DeJager

Executive Director:
Ewout DeGelder
Tel: 905-563-6524

Public Relations Committee:

Anchor Camp

Email: anchorsummercamp@gmail.com

Jack & Marlene VanRootselaar
Tel: 289-880-6258

Helen Dorgeloos
Tel: 905-701-4577



Lloyd VanLuik

Arjaan de visser


Anchor Home
Phone: 905-­563-­8641
Manager: Harriet Vaisanen

Beacon Home
Phone: 905-­701-­4446
Manager: Marlene VanRootselaar

Harbour Home
Phone: 289-­426­-5141
Manager: Christina Wolfraim

The Lighthouse
Phone: 519-­787-7725
Manager: Jeannette Bos

Twin Oaks
Phone: 905­-635­-4129
Manager: Grace Towe

The Landing

© 2025 Anchor Canadian Reformed Association for the Handicapped. All Rights Reserved.