
We make many transitions in life. Normally we finish our schooling, seek employment and at some point in our lives, we leave our parental homes. For parents who have a child with a disability, these transitions can be very difficult, especially to know when it is time for a child to move out of the house. The Lord has blessed Anchor Christian Homes (Anchor), and five group homes have be established. This allows parents of our supporting churches to have peace of mind when guiding their child to the next phase in their life.

Our homes provide guidance, structure and stability to our residents. While many agencies stress ‘independence’, the focus of Anchor is ‘interdependence’. Our lives can easily deteriorate without support and interaction with others.  We believe that it is vital to keep our residents involved within the local church, and be an integral part of the community.

Enrolment in our homes is open to children of parents, relatives and guardians who are members of Anchor. Any other enrolment is subject to the review and approval of the Board of Directors of Anchor. Applicants will have reached the age of eighteen. As a small organization we have limitations. Admission to our homes will depend on availability and suitability, as each new resident affects the well-being of others within a home.

361 Thirty Road
Grimsby, ON L3M 0L1
Google Map »

Contact Info:
Phone: 905-563-8641
Manager: Harriet Vaisanen

Anchor Home

Our first home opened its doors in 1986, and is located in Grimsby, Ontario. The home supports eight residents. Although there is a variety in levels of ability, the residents get along well and complement each other.  Our residents receive 24/7 support in activities of daily living. Respite Care is used on a regular basis.

We try to provide as much activity as possible, such as Bible study, crafts, music band, workshop, catechism, bowling, swimming, story hour, library visits, and helping with chores. We cherish the vounteers who help with these programs and outings. Our staff constantly look for new avenues to keep the residents active.

Although things change from time to time, some of our residents work or volunteer at car dealerships, greenhouses and with paper routes.




3217 Twin Oaks Crescent
Burlington, ON L7M 3A8
Google Map »

Contact Info:
Phone: 905-635-4129
Manager: Grace Towe

Twin Oaks

This home was opened in July of 2002 and named after its location on Twin Oaks Crescent in Burlington, Ontario. The home is meant to support three individuals; zoning restrictions in this city prohibited us from attracting additional residents. They receive the guidance of a mature couple or manager in a homelike atmosphere.

These residents are quite independent, filling their days with employment or volunteer work. 

653 Broad Street West
Dunnville, ON N1A 1T8
Google Map »

Contact Info:
Phone: 905-701-4446
Manager: Marlene VanRootselaar

Beacon Home

This home opened its doors in 2004 and is located in Dunnville, Ontario.  It supports nine residents with a variety of needs, providing 24/7 support in activities of daily living. The residents range in age from thirty to mid-sixty. Two residents use wheelchairs. Respite Care is used on a regular basis.

The residents at Beacon Home like to be involved with sports. Some activities they  engage in are ball hockey, basketball, bowling and baseball.

Most residents have some form of employment in the community and help with paper delivery.

6528 First Line
Fergus, ON N1M 2W4
Google Map »

Contact Info:
Phone: 519-787-7725
Manager: Jeannette Bos

The Lighthouse

The home opened its doors May 2008 and is located in Fergus, Ontario. This beautiful home is located on the edge of town with plenty of room to roam. It supports eight residents with a wide variety in levels of ability.  This creates challenges in itself, but the residents are very accepting of each other. Residents receive 24/7 support in activities of daily living.  Respite Care is used on a regular basis.

These residents enjoy daily walks, music, choir, and doing puzzles and crafts. They tend the garden and take care of chickens. They participate in art classes and soccer. They also volunteer at the local Christian school.

Several residents have employment or volunteer in the community.

42 Spadara Drive
Hamilton, ON
L9B 2K3
Google Map »

Contact Info:
Phone: 289-­426­-5141
Manager: Christina Wolfraim

Harbour Home

Harbour Home opened its doors in February 2015 in Hamilton, Ontario. Six residents receive support in activities of daily living. Respite Care is used on a regular basis.

The residents attend Rehoboth United Reformed Church and are active in church life. There are many opportunities for relaxation like swimming, walking, biking, and library visits.

The residents are active in the community with jobs at Tim Hortons and Community Living, and delivering papers. Some also volunteer their time and energy at a retirement residence and local Christian schools.



75 Law Drive
Guelph ON
N1E 7J6
Google Map »

Contact Info:

The Landing

The home was purchased on August 18, 2023 in is located in Guelph, Ontario. This beautiful home is set up to support six residents with a variety in levels of ability. Residents receive 24/7 support in activities of daily living. One room has been set aside for Respite Care. We hope to invite residents in the Fall of 2024.

Contact Us

Head Office

Administrative Address:
Anchor Christian Homes
361 Thirty Road
Grimsby, ON L3M 0L1
Tel:  905-563-6524
Fax:  289-438-8657

Cheryl Van’t Hoff

Tanya DeJager

Executive Director:
Ewout DeGelder
Tel: 905-563-6524

Public Relations Committee:

Anchor Camp


Jack & Marlene VanRootselaar
Tel: 289-880-6258

Helen Dorgeloos
Tel: 905-701-4577



Lloyd VanLuik

Arjaan de visser


Anchor Home
Phone: 905-­563-­8641
Manager: Harriet Vaisanen

Beacon Home
Phone: 905-­701-­4446
Manager: Marlene VanRootselaar

Harbour Home
Phone: 289-­426­-5141
Manager: Christina Wolfraim

The Lighthouse
Phone: 519-­787-7725
Manager: Jeannette Bos

Twin Oaks
Phone: 905­-635­-4129
Manager: Grace Towe

The Landing

© 2025 Anchor Canadian Reformed Association for the Handicapped. All Rights Reserved.