
“From Christ the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.” Ephesians 4:16

We are thankful that you have shown interest in becoming a volunteer for Anchor Christian Homes (Anchor). It is important to us and to our residents that you are willing to volunteer your time to provide support and friendship. Volunteers are a vital part of our organization, allowing us to offer a greater variety of activities geared towards individual residents. Volunteers form an important link between the community and our residents.

Volunteers may utilize the Passport Program, which provides funding for individuals to participate in actvities in the community. Volunteer hours and certain expenses can be claimed. The Home Manager can provide further information about specifics.

In general, we expect our volunteers to have reached the age of 18. Exceptions can be made from time to time.

Steps to Become a Volunteer

  • Complete the volunteer application form  and send to Head Office at secretary@anchorchristianhomes.ca
  • You will than receive the Volunteer Handbook and it is your responsibly to know the content
  • We expect our regular volunteers to provide a Police Vulnerable Sector Check. At times the police department will ask for confirmation from the agency you represent. You can email Head Office at secretary@anchorchristianhomes.ca

Code of Ethics

As a volunteer you assume certain obligations and responsibilities. The residents you serve depend on you. As volunteer you will:

  • Make an honest effort to perform your activities to the best of your ability
  • Honour the commitment you made when you started
  • Be held accountable for your actions in your guiding role
  • Accept direction and leadership provided by the group home
  • Accept the goals, methods and philosophy of the group home
  • Maintain strict confidentiality
  • Reflect a Christian attitude in dress and conduct
  • Cooperate with other volunteers and staff
  • Not accept gifts from any resident

Outing Suggestions


  • Shopping trip
  • Leisurely drive
  • Zoo visit
  • Museum visit
  • Library visit
  • Church function
  • Bowling
  • Farm visit
  • Social visit
  • Special event
  • Hiking
  • Games
  • Sports
  • Eat in a restaurant
  • Swimming
  • Anchor Camp

IMG_1359Volunteer Declarations

Declaration of discharge of duties and declaration of confidentiality
I hereby declare that I will faithfully discharge my duties as a volunteer of Anchor Christian Homes and I will observe the policies and procedures of same and, except as I may be legally required, will not disclose or give to any person any information or document that comes to my knowledge or possession by reason of my being a volunteer of Anchor.

Statement of release from liability
This is to certify that I, and any or all agents working on my behalf, do hereby release Anchor Christian Homes, its employees and Board of Directors from any liability for, or actions arising from, any alleged liability, injuries or misadventures suffered while working within the sphere of their responsibility.

Volunteer policy acknowledgement
I am aware of and in agreement with the Mission Statement and philosophy of the Anchor Christian Homes and I promise to abide by the said policies in as far as applicable to me as a volunteer.

Personal issues
As far as I am aware, I am free from active tuberculosis or other communicable or contagious diseases. I am not aware of any circumstances in me which would place adults with a developmental disability at risk. I have never been denied work involving children or adults.

Police Vulnerable Sector Check

The non-profit sector has widely accepted volunteer screening. The challenge organizations face is how often to screen volunteers, finding a practical balance between the duty to provide a safe environment and the time and resouces to do so.

Organizations that provide programs to children and other vulnerable people must take responsible measures to protect them. The same screening policies used for our staff will be extended to our volunteers. Anchor Christian Homes is registered with the Niagara Regional Police. Volunteers must get a Police Vulnerable Sector Check (PVSC). Anchor may need to provide a letter to go with the application. This form must be dropped off at a local police department. Upon request, Anchor will reimburse the fee.  Once the form reaches the police department it may take 2-4 weeks to process. The person involved is the only one who can pick up the document from the police station.  Police Checks can also be purchased online in a number of jurisdictions.

While Police Checks are slightly inconvenient, screening is legally required under the principle of ‘Duty of Care.’  We are placed in a position of trust and authority as we may have care and control over a person who is in a position of dependence on others and at greater risk of being harmed by a person in a position of authority or trust.

Please check with your local police station for further requirements.

Contact Us

Head Office

Administrative Address:
Anchor Christian Homes
361 Thirty Road
Grimsby, ON L3M 0L1
Tel:  905-563-6524
Fax:  289-438-8657

Cheryl Van’t Hoff

Tanya DeJager

Executive Director:
Ewout DeGelder
Tel: 905-563-6524

Public Relations Committee:

Anchor Camp

Email: anchorsummercamp@gmail.com

Jack & Marlene VanRootselaar
Tel: 289-880-6258

Helen Dorgeloos
Tel: 905-701-4577



Lloyd VanLuik

Arjaan de visser


Anchor Home
Phone: 905-­563-­8641
Manager: Harriet Vaisanen

Beacon Home
Phone: 905-­701-­4446
Manager: Marlene VanRootselaar

Harbour Home
Phone: 289-­426­-5141
Manager: Christina Wolfraim

The Lighthouse
Phone: 519-­787-7725
Manager: Jeannette Bos

Twin Oaks
Phone: 905­-635­-4129
Manager: Grace Towe

The Landing

© 2025 Anchor Canadian Reformed Association for the Handicapped. All Rights Reserved.