Respite Care

Respite care is a service provided to adults with a developmental disability living with their parents or representatives. Respite care provides short-term relief to the family and creates different opportunities for the individual to interact with other residents and enjoy participation in the activities of the group home.


Individuals from the supporting churches as recorded in the By-laws are eligible for respite services. 

The following Homes have one space set aside for adult respite care:  Anchor Home, Beacon Home, The Lighthouse, and Harbour Home.

New Applicant

  • Email your respite request to Head Office at  at least three weeks prior to the requested date for respite.
  • Forms will be emailed to you and must be filled out and returned to Head Office.
  • The Admission Committee will set up a meeting and decide whether the person meets the criteria for admission. A recommendation will be made to the Board of Directors.

After the individual has been approved for Respite services:

Parents/representatives are expected to visit the home and discuss any particulars regarding the care of their child/charge with staff on duty.

Proper documentation needs to be present, as well as phone numbers of health care workers and immediate family. Medication procedures need to be clearly marked. Special requests and instructions, especially those dealing with behaviors or medical issues, must be presented in writing.

As a rule respite periods will not exceed two weeks in length, with a maximum of 42 days (6 weeks) per calendar year. The Executive Director will decide in which home a particular person fits best. We prefer people to remain in their home community; however, due to the nature of the disability this may not always be possible.

Respite guests shall follow the house rules as much as can be expected. After the first respite stay, staff on duty will provide a short oral evaluation to the parents/representatives, followed by a short written report to be filed at Head Office. Any concerns for future visits should be addressed at that time.

The Executive Director may at times deny service due to a lack of staff, space, or the particular needs of the person in need of service. Payments will be arranged via Head Office. Rates have been established by the association and are marked on the Application for Respite form.

Subsequent Visits

Subsequent visits for respite can be requested on short notice. However, for prolonged stays, one week’s notice is a minimum requirement. Early notification is always wise due to limited space and staffing needs. The parents/representatives are expected to pass on pertinent information as per need, in order to update the individual’s file.

Progress notes will be recorded daily by staff, and an verbal update will be provided to the parents/representatives when they pick up the individual.

On Sundays, our residents worship at the local Canadian Reformed or United Reformed Church; respite guests are expected to join.

Rates 2024

  1. Half Day     $ 50
  2. Daily           $100
  3. Weekly       $600
  4. Weekend   $200

Contact Us

Head Office

Administrative Address:
Anchor Christian Homes
361 Thirty Road
Grimsby, ON L3M 0L1
Tel:  905-563-6524
Fax:  289-438-8657

Cheryl Van’t Hoff

Tanya DeJager

Executive Director:
Ewout DeGelder
Tel: 905-563-6524

Public Relations Committee:

Anchor Camp


Jack & Marlene VanRootselaar
Tel: 289-880-6258

Helen Dorgeloos
Tel: 905-701-4577



Lloyd VanLuik

Arjaan de visser


Anchor Home
Phone: 905-­563-­8641
Manager: Harriet Vaisanen

Beacon Home
Phone: 905-­701-­4446
Manager: Marlene VanRootselaar

Harbour Home
Phone: 289-­426­-5141
Manager: Christina Wolfraim

The Lighthouse
Phone: 519-­787-7725
Manager: Jeannette Bos

Twin Oaks
Phone: 905­-635­-4129
Manager: Grace Towe

The Landing

© 2025 Anchor Canadian Reformed Association for the Handicapped. All Rights Reserved.